Businesses can benefit from By listing on Google My Business and similar location listings to generate organic traffic.

Location listings are probably the best-kept secret in search engine optimization. Search engines, such as Google, are putting more firepower into your location listing to get metadata about your business and make search results more localized for their audience.

Google My Business

Powerful Features to Improve local results.

Attract new customers with your free Location listings.

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Want to ensure that your business appears when people within your local area are searching for businesses or products that you provide? Get to the top of Google Search with powerful features provided by Google My Business.

Manage how customers view your business.

Google My Business makes it easy to create and update your listing—so you can stand out, and bring customers in. Take charge of what people see when they search for your business. Google My Business gives you the tools to update your location information, add data about your products, build a website, and engage with your customers from your phone, tablet or computer.

Keeping your listing refreshed.

Google My Business provides you with the tools to keep your location listing refreshed with posts. Posts are designed to get expired once-a-week. Hence, it is important to keep your posts renewed with new messaging. Whether you are a business-to-consumer or business-to-business organization, you need to have a set of messages ready to be posted every week. A good strategy is to plan a set of campaigns, discount programs and link the same to your Google My Business posts.

Make the most out of Insights. 

The insights from Google My Business are powerful and can tell you amazing things about your business' presence on the internet. From the number of times, your business was viewed on Google Maps/Google search to the number of times your business was called through the listing, Google My Business is too much of a good thing for free!!!

Other location listings

Don't forget other location listings. Each impression is a source of additional traffic to your business and, potentially, a source of additional revenue. Don't forget other location listings such as Bing Places, Foursquare, Facebook Places, Yelp, and Apple Maps. Further, you can improve your local presence by posting your business information on multiple industry bodies' and digital platforms.